Blurred Lines: State Power and the Tech Giants

Miss Singh
6 min readAug 15, 2020


Tech Titans Appear for a Remote Hearing, July 29th, 2020


This article explores the key highlights and concerns raised during the antitrust hearing conducted by the House Judiciary Committee, titled “Online Platforms and Market Power: Examining the Dominance of Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google.” It delves into the testimonies of the CEOs of these tech giants and the questions posed by members of Congress. The focus is on issues such as surveillance, data collection, regulation of monopolies, collaboration with law enforcement agencies, and the implications for human rights. Additionally, this article examines the argument of political theater surrounding these hearings and emphasizes the importance of public accessibility and transparency.


The antitrust hearing held by the House Judiciary Committee brought together four influential tech titans, namely Jeff Bezos of Amazon, Tim Cook of Apple, Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, and Sundar Pichai of Google. In this article I analyze the hearing and highlights the concerns raised by members of Congress regarding these companies’ dominance, surveillance practices, data collection, and collaboration with law enforcement agencies. I also explore the notion of political theater surrounding these hearings and emphasizes the significance of public access to these proceedings.

Surveillance and Data Collection Concerns

During the hearing, congressional committee members expressed apprehension about the tech giants’ surveillance practices and their collection and sale of user data without sufficient user consent. The concerns focused on the monopolistic control these companies exert over the digital infrastructure and their ability to surveil other businesses, posing potential threats to competition and privacy. Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, Apple’s Tim Cook, Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, and Google’s Sundar Pichai appeared together for the first time before Congress, (Jeff Bezos for the first time), while defending their positions from remote locations. House Judiciary Antitrust, Commercial and Administrative Law Subcommittee Chair, David Cicilline opened the hearing by stating that the comprehensive “investigation has been bipartisan from the start.” He also noted that each of the tech titans “uses its control over the digital infrastructure to surveil other companies, their growth, business activity, and whether they pose as a competitive threat.”

Surveillance was a key concern throughout the hearing, with several members of the congressional committee warning the company executives about their harvesting of and selling people’s data without the public having a choice to escape their control. “As gatekeepers of the digital economy,” the Chair remarked, the four tech companies “represent the powers of a private government.”

Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google/Alphabet makes a statement

Implications for Human Rights

The discussion of surveillance and data collection raised critical concerns about the impact on human rights. The constant tracking of users across the web and physical world, as highlighted in a 2019 Amnesty International report, poses a systemic threat to privacy and personal freedoms. The article emphasizes the need for proper regulation and accountability to safeguard individual rights in the digital age. Although the need for monopolies to be properly regulated and held accountable was echoed by the committee, it is equally important to summon a statement from the CEO of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg, who during the hearing explicitly admitted that, “we routinely collaborate with law enforcement and intelligence agencies and are able to (sometimes) identify threats coming from other countries before governments are even able to.”

A 2019 Amnesty International report on Facebook and Google’s omnipresent system of surveillance warned that it posed as a systemic threat to human rights in which users are “constantly tracked across the web and in the physical world as well.”

Congresswoman Ms McBath questions Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon

Facebook collects information not only on how you use their products, or view and engage with the people/accounts you interact with, but also the type of content you view and the frequency and duration of your activities. This all pervasive approach towards collection takes on another controversial form; harvesting massive amounts of data from the global South, which according to the Amnesty International report represents a lucrative market, “largely through the potential for expanded access to data.”

Congressman Mr Jamie Raskin, US Representative from Maryland makes his remarks

Collaboration with Law Enforcement

Mark Zuckerberg’s explicit admission of routine collaboration with law enforcement and intelligence agencies attracted attention during the hearing. This collaboration raises questions about the balance between national security interests and privacy rights. The article underlines the significance of striking a delicate balance and ensuring transparency in such partnerships. In Surveillance Valley, published in 2018, the author Yasha Levine argues that Amazon, Google, Facebook and other respected names from Silicon valley are all integrated with various intelligence agencies. In 2013, Amazon signed a $600 million contract with the CIA to run its cloud computing and storage services. Around the same time, Edward Snowden a contractor with Booz Allen, blew the whistle on a secretive program known as Prism, which was illegally collecting the data of American citizens. Verizon, an American phone company was supplying the National Security Agency (NSA) with the comprehensive telephone metadata of millions of its customers.

Political Theater or Genuine Accountability?

There have been arguments suggesting that the tech antitrust hearing was merely political theater. Some critics contend that these hearings serve as platforms for grandstanding, with little concrete impact on addressing the concerns at hand.

This article acknowledges these arguments and encourages readers to explore the live-streamed hearings and the wealth of information available to form their own conclusions. Jessica Melugin, the Associate Director of the Center for Technology & Innovation at the Competitive Enterprise Institute has written in a recent article that Google’s algorithm is set to produce the results it wants, as this is the company’s prerogative. “Since its search engine is its private property, Google is responsible for being profitable to its shareholders — to the benefit of everyone using its products free of charge,” — that its obviously not running “a search engine charity for its competitors.”


The antitrust hearing conducted by the House Judiciary Committee provided a platform for members of Congress to raise concerns about the dominance and practices of tech giants. It highlighted issues such as surveillance, data collection, collaboration with law enforcement, and the potential impact on human rights.

Ms Mary Gay Scanlon, Congresswoman for Pennsylvania’s 5th District voices her concerns
Mr Greg Steube from Florida’s 17th Congressional District questions Mr Pichai, CEO of Google
Mr Matt Gaetz, Congressman from Florida

While debates about the effectiveness of these hearings persist, I argue that the importance of public accessibility and transparency is a key enabler of a healthy democracy, and which enables individuals to engage with the information presented and draw their own informed conclusions.

As technology continues to shape society, ensuring proper regulation and accountability remains paramount to protect individual rights and promote fair competition.



Miss Singh

writes on international affairs | cyber • diplomacy • intelligence studies • statecraft • a private citizen • cosmopolitan • dedicated biryani fan